First, I got more passport pictures taken. Next, I had to pick up my sister, but I hadn't looked at the pictures. I asked her to take a peek. When she opened the envelope, she burst out laughing. I asked her how bad it was and she said, "It couldn't BE any worse!"
She was right. Oh, man. This is a funny picture:

Next, I was doing yard work, I saw a yellow jacket, and I ran away because although "beeing" stung is not one of my greatest fears, it is something I never want to experience. I waited until the coast was clear and went back to trimming bushes and za-pow! That little son-of-a-gun came from behind and stung my finger. I dropped the shears, squeezed my hand, and did what must have looked like a cartoon high-knee run while saying "ow! ow! ow!" all the way into the house.
I was home alone and I know some peoples' throats close when they get stung. I wondered if this too would be my fate. I kept swallowing to see if I was dying. I, however, suffered only a temporary paralysis of my finger and a slight swelling.

It hurt more than I thought it would, and it still stings a bit, several hours later.
Gross, sweaty, stung, and sunscreen-greasy. All in all, it wasn't the best day ever.

Nice pictures, especially the passport photo. I hope your finger won't have to be amputated.