Thursday, March 01, 2007

Family Ties

The brainchild of Andrea, I have decided to run a series on my family. Just because they are great. Really great. Each day I will spotlight a different person. Nothing I can write will capture the whole of the person, but I will include unflattering photos to add some flavor.


First, let me just state the obvious. Aunty Prissy is very striking. She is also the tallest woman I know. When I was little, I stared at her knees and hoped to be as tall as her. Sadly, genetics stopped me about a foot short of the goal. She has a great, powerful laugh and sense of humor. Here is a secret she does not know, but sometimes I try to mimic her laugh because it is so wonderful. Andy and Josey also love it.

I think she is a good person to teach "tough love." She is a person who will set you straight and tell you when you are being ridiculous, much like my own mother. She has a trademark eyebrow raise (see picture) that can strike fear into the hearts of children and instantly inspire a marked change in behavior. These are all characteristics of a good mother. Also, I think the last conversation I had with her involved a semi-crass joke about dog poop. Clearly, this is a relative that I need to live closer to.

My aunt Prissy.

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