Saturday, July 07, 2007

Green Thumb

I've been interested in the environment since I was little. Maybe it was all those summers camping with the family, or the elementary bookfair where I saved my money and bought 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do To Save the Earth. Maybe it was watching National Geographic on Saturday nights, or Mr. Wizard who shared the amazing world of science and physics.

When I left home last year, there was very little being said about global warming. In the course of this past year, there has been an explosion of interest and emphasis on the issue. From commercials about eco-friendly products, to hybrid cars, to new urban planning, to the Live Earth Concert, there has been a marked turnaround in opinion and effort to educate. I think it's fantastic that people are becoming more conscious of nature and the world.

It's a hippie thing to say, but I think when you really appreciate nature and the world you live on, it's easier to appreciate other people and cultures that live on the planet with you - nature is the tie that binds. What we do affects others. In a world far too often splintered by governments, religions, and crazy people, it's nice to see people bonding over something besides the World Cup.

And, a big thanks to Al Gore whose documentary and activism brought widespread attention to the matter, particularly in the U.S., bringing us up to speed with the rest of the developed world. If only our president would join the rest of the country. Or at least sign the Kyoto Treaty. If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth, see it. It does an excellent job of laying out the facts and solutions.

As a side note, there are some arguments as to the cause of global warming. The Great Global Warming Swindle provides some different opinions on the causes of global warming. It's over an hour, but it is really interesting. Whatever the cause(s) it's nice that people are concerned with something of worth.

If you are someone who doesn't care, shame on you! The fact that the world is changing is irrefutable. It is selfish and foolish to ignore what is happening. The best part is that you can do little things that help a lot. You don't have to make dramatic lifestyle changes - just little things. They'll save you money, too. So really, you have no reason not to change.

1. Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs - They use 60% less energy and last 10x longer.
2. Replace air conditioner filters - your a.c. will last longer and will run more efficiently.
3. Recycle paper - Recycling paper takes 65% less energy than making new paper. Recycling 1 lb. of paper saves enough electricity to supply a 3bdrm home for 1 month.
4. Turn thermostat up when not home - it'll save money on your bills.
5. Keep tires properly inflated - better gas mileage.
6. Wrap water heater in an insulation blanket - it will save 1,000 lbs. of CO2/year.
7. Cover pots when cooking - reduces amount of energy needed.
8. Turn a.c. up and heat down by 2 degrees - you won't notice it and you'll save a ton of CO2 emissions/year.
9. Plug appliances into a power strip and flip it off when not home - appliances pull current even when turned off.
10. When you buy appliances and cars, look for energy efficient models.

1 comment:

  1. I remember 50 Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth. This is what I got at the book fair: Lamborghini Diablo poster.
