Saturday, September 15, 2007

West Texas Fair and Rodeo

Ahhh. Fall is here and so is the fair.

The touch of fall and cow manure in the air beckoned us out to the fairgrounds this week. We saw all kinds of animals at the petting zoo, some more appealing than others.

This is where we ran into a donkey that tried to eat my camera every time I tried to take a closeup. I gave up and just starting taking pictures of his teeth. Though not familiar with equine dentistry, I'd say he's got some serious calculus build-up on those lower incisors.

We saw all the usual prize-winning fruits and vegetables.

Along with an array of odd/accidentally funny artwork.

And of course, fair workers, who were unusually friendly this year.

1 comment:

  1. I was once given a free ride on "The Domino" by a creepy carnie who thought I needed to smile more. Apparently by smile he meant puke.
