Yesterday as I was walking the dog, I passed a house shrouded by bushes. The few times I’ve walked by this place, I’ve heard people visiting on the front porch. This time a dog ran out from the bushes and I heard the owners half-heartedly calling after their dog. Then they saw Pete’s size and how he was flipping out over their dog and came running to catch it.
These guys were pretty close approximations of Matthew McConaughey. They talked like him, they were super casual, friendly, and tan, and they threw the word “sweetheart” around like it was second nature. After our brief encounter, they invited me to drop back by for a beer.
Too bad I don’t like beer. Had they invited me back for Sweet Leaf mint & honey green tea, I totally would’ve gone.
Wow, it's like you wandered into a scene from Dazed and Confused (filmed in Austin!)