Sunday, November 14, 2010

Movie Date

After it rains here, the toads down by the creek really get to croaking loudly. They sound funny, like hoarse people trying to shout. I went to the creek with the dog and sat there listening to the toads hollering. Whilst there, several large bugs brought alive by the recent rain flew at my head. Naturally. Because bugs always aim for my gigantic white face.

After a while, I went home and watched an entire movie. I got ready for bed, took my hair down and fluffed it out with my fingers. I brushed my teeth. Put in my retainer and tested out my lisp-level. I flopped down on my bed, my hair a'swinging, and - as if you need another reason to be jealous of me - PLOP! Out falls this big guy:

He'd been hanging out with me all evening; watching the movie, sharing laughs and popcorn and I didn't even know he was there save for a slight tickle on my head in the middle of the movie.

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