Coinciding with this hair disaster has been the constant consumption of several tv shows, namely Studio 60 and Friday Night Lights. Now, I never really believed that tv actually influenced people to do stuff, but I'm here to tell you, it has proven to hold a great deal of power over me. Did I start abusing pain killers like Matt in Studio 60? Did I murder someone with a pipe like Landry Clark or sleep around like Tyra Collette? No. But each of these shows convinced me that I needed someone else's hair.
First, I decided I wanted Jordan McDeere's hair - her perfect, voluminous side-swept bangs and impeccable medium length hair. After trying to get my bangs like hers, I discovered that what I really wanted was her face.

Then Tami Taylor entered the scene and shoved Jordan McDeere right out of the styling chair. What with her perfect highlights, bouncy, natural locks, I knew it was for me. I already had the basic cut, so I set about figuring out how to do it.

BUT. Have you ever tried to use a blow drier and a brush at the same time?? It's like a mind puzzle. Especially when you're looking in the mirror and your hands don't move the right way. Plus, my blow drier kept overheating and turning off. So until I get some practice rounds under my belt and some better tools, I'll have to live with my old-wig-run-through-the-dishwasher-like hair.
As a side-note: I found out that the guy that plays Tim Riggins lives in Austin, and I think everyone can agree he's a total babe. Maybe someday I'll catch his eye with my Tami Taylor hair and we can ride through the hills of town on a motorcycle, our flowing locks blowing effortlessly in the wind.

But the reality of my life is that instead of freely riding in the wind, there is a guy silently throwing up in the recycling can directly across the hall from me. I was staring at him out of the corner of my eye and we made eye contact while he vomited. That is just something you don't do.
My life is gross.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL LOL!!! I am dying right now.