Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reverse and Perverse Personification

Have you ever noticed that sometimes people strongly resemble animals? Well, my sister and I have. And, I don't mean to brag, but we're pretty good at calling it.

Our latest discovery is a boy in our canoeing class that looks like a steer. His build, his face, and his hair leave one with the distinct impression that you are looking into the face of a wild animal. Even his voice - if you were to imagine a talking steer, would sound like his voice. It's not a bad thing. It's actually quite remarkable. It's hard not to steer at him.

I wish I had an actual picture of him, though this one is surprisingly accurate:

Editor's note: After further research, it is believed that he may be a cross between a steer and a musk ox.

1 comment:

  1. I like to compare people to Guess Who characters. For Example, DID you see that guy?! HE SO has hair like Max on Guess Who! or OH my gosh did you see that guy's lips? He totally has Bernard's lips.
