I love cool dogs. Especially gigantic, goofy dogs.
This is an extra puppy I met tonight.

Clearly, I am in love!
I could tell you about his super soft fur, his silly bounding and pouncing, and how when he runs, his rear end goes in a different direction than the front and you would still not understand how totally captivating and wonderful this dog is.
I have been asking, nay - begging, my parents for a while to get another dog. So far, they haven't agreed. But after seeing this little guy tonight, my mom nearly cracked and let me take him home. Now, what to name him...

I thought it would be fun to name him "Dudar." It's so funny! I could call him "Dude" for short. Although he isn't my ideal dog, he's free and he needs a home. And right now, he's so darn cute, I don't care if he turns into a jawless hagfish with razor sharp, man-eating teeth. Then they took him away from me.

I especially love that last pic. It shows your true beauty.