Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Life is Good

Sunday was the best day I’ve had since coming to Korea. It was absolutely delightful. I finally met some great people, and I went to my first professional baseball game!

When I came here, I had great hopes of making lots of new friends. But so far, that hasn’t happened. There are very few foreigners here, and while the Korean teachers at school are nice, they are generally disinterested in becoming friends. The prospect of living a whole year in a strange place without new friends was not appealing and was beginning to worry me.

But, today I went to an English church, and let me tell you, hearing English, real, unbroken English complete with “r” and “l” sounds, was music to my ears. The church was friendly. and after the service they fed us lunch – real food. (I almost wept when I saw vegetables and bread.) I met some really delightful people – even a guy from Texas who has relatives in Abilene! It got confusing when I met Phil, who looks Korean, but is from England and has a British accent. Or Utah, who is Korean and a Christian, but went to school at BYU. Or Juan who is a plain Korean, but lived in Kentucky for a little while, but told us he was from Chicago as a joke.

After lunch, we were invited to a baseball game between the Samsung Lions and some other team. It was absolutely delightful. The sky was blue, the sun was warm, a cool breeze was blowing, and there was a can of Pringles and a bottle of Coke split three ways. Ahh yes. It was wonderful to be with new friends.

“...there is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow-creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort.” - Jane Eyre

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  1. Yes, I see what you mean about the head size.

  2. what kind of hat is that guy wearing in front of y'all? It looks like a birthday party hat.

  3. The hats were ridiculous. Here is a whole society of style-concious and completely beautiful people, ruined by cardboard polka-dotted hats at a sporting event. People were wearing them everywhere. It's even funnier because I made those same cardboard hats for the Seven Dwarves in our play a few weeks ago.
