We have befriended a group of 3 Canadian girls that are the same age as us. They are very funny and as tall as trees. Ironically, but kindly, they hosted a festive Thanksgiving potluck, where we feasted upon a roasted chicken among our Canadian and Korean friends. It was pleasant, cosy, and non-eventful.
One of the girl's parents are Dutch, so she taught me the words for underwear, undershirt, and wash rag. This came in quite handy the very next night because....
We met 2 guys from the Netherlands. However, I couldn't think of a smooth way to bring up "wash rag" or "undershirt," so I let it slide.
We met them at Keimyung University where the English department did their rendition of Hamlet. Let me assure you, this was hilarious.
As though Shakespeare is not hard enough to understand normally, their accents made it virtually impossible to decipher what was being said. I laughed through the first 5 minutes because they sounded like the Swedish Chef from The Muppet Show. It was completely unintelligible, but so passionate. I kept waiting for my ears to adjust, but they didn't.
After a while, Won leaned over and said, "What they are saying?" I told him I didn't know and he said, "But they are speaking English! Why can't you understand?" I got a good laugh out of that, too. I fell asleep soon after "Hamret" delivered the only line in the play I could understand, "To be, or not to be...."
It was a very ambitious and noble endeavor, and should I have been able to understand, I'm sure I would have been even more impressed.
Someone should've told the King of Denmark that "Engrand" isn't a real place.
Hey adding messages isn't that hard...I don't know if you will ever read this one, but you should check out a site called Engrish.com. The site lists a bunch of Chinese to English communication difficulties as shown on Chinese products, menus, sign t shirts etc. Maybe I will bring this up to you during school. (I am going to have to wait 'til no one's around) it will be when Christine sneaks away and you are looking up coloring exercises for the kiddies. I lean over from my reading rainbow book and tell you to check out this site on your free time. It'll be cool...maybe, Arthur