Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Feast, Feast, Feast!

Last night the owner of the school, Sophia, quite generously treated the staff to dinner at the nicest buffet in Daegu. It was huge and it was super fancy, and she dipped pretty deep into her pocketbook. Sadly, I am afraid the classiness was mostly lost on me. The buffet was filled with all kinds of delicacies and expensive foods. Most of the food was seafood, of which I am not fond. In fact, I can't stand it. However, I still had to admire the array. I will tell you some things I saw:

1. Escargot

2. Barbeque eel
I didn't see the sign and I imagined it to be a treasured piece of brisket. Instead, it tasted like a soft fish died in my mouth. It was THE fishiest thing I have ever eaten.

3. Cartilage and Bone Stew
When I read the title, I thought I read it wrong, so I read the card again to make sure. No mistake. Then, I looked at the dish. Sure enough, it looked like cow knees in sauce. I don't even know what part you eat? It is so weird I couldn't even find a picture of it online, but it looked a lot like this, only the bones were cut up.

4. Fresh crab legs
I have never seen anyone eat these, but it's safe to say there's no polite way to do it. You break the end off and then suck the meat out.
5. Raw Beef Strips
They kept saying, "Good for you! Good for skin!" I did not believe them. The only thing it sounds good for is contracting strange, bovine diseases.

6. Rambutan
I thought this was a sea urchin, but it's a tropical fruit! You have to cut through a tough shell to get to the fruit inside. It is really sweet but it doesn't really have a taste.

7. Raw fish galore

Also, the other night I ate some jellyfish. It was very strange. I thought it was rice noodles because it was cleverly disguised in a salad. It was kind of like tangy, chewy noodles.

After trying so many things that are disgusting, the only way I try new things is by accident when I mistake it for something else. It's no wonder Koreans are so skinny.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH! That all sounds disgusting. Man I bet this is a good diet. You get a good diet by going to Korea for a year, I get a good diet by working in a school and getting every kind of sickness those children breath on me.
