When we got there, they were shipping police in by the hundreds. They were blocked up in formation everywhere. It was absolutely jam-packed. When the concert started, if your hands were down by your sides, they could not come up. If your hands were up, they could not come down. If your pants were falling down, too bad. If you didn't know the words to the songs, your friendly neighbors pressed against you sang them for you. We kept an eye on each other and stamped out sparks on each other's backs. The police were turned backwards to the stage, so they stood facing us, making awkward eye contact the whole time. We sort of befriended them and visited with them throughout the night. Heather even shared her M&M's with half a squad.
It was a great trip. Good things kept falling into our laps.
We asked a lady which car we were in and during the ride, she bought us a box of our favorite snack and gave it to us for no apparent reason.
I was fiddling with a locker at the train station and a couple stopped to help me and got it all set up for me.
Then, when we got to Seoul, we weren't exactly sure where the bell ringing was happening. A lady came to us and asked what we were doing. We said, "Party? Bell?" She knew exactly what we were talking about and walked us there.
We had some problems with creepy foreign men, which is another story, so we were a little worried when we got to the train station and it was filled with all kinds of shady characters. We were looking for a good spot to sit when we saw our 3 friends from Canada sitting there. They were on their way back from Christmas vacation and had barricaded themselves in with their suitcases. We joined them in their fort and passed the next 4 hours with them. We got on the 5 am train and got home around 7:30.
Definitely the best New Year's ever.

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