Sunday, April 08, 2007

Resurrection: An Old Favorite

Because there are no Peeps or brightly colored, sugary candies here this Easter, I will keep the Easter spirit alive with my old adventures with a packet of Peeps.

This year, I encourage all of you lucky enough to be bombarded by Peeps to do something creative and disastrous with them in honor of such a terrible, yet nostalgic candy.

"Some people think of Jesus at Easter. I think of Peeps.

The ubiquitous bastions of Easter. Sadly, Peeps are not delicious. No one I've talked to likes Peeps, yet strangely enough, everyone gets Peeps. Why is that?

I was graciously given some Peeps. But, I wasn't about to eat them,

so I played with them!

First we put them in the microwave

He grew a little, but with a very offensive odor and blackened insides.

We tried pumping one up with a bicycle pump, but it leaked air.

We took the little guy for a swim.

First he turned white,

then he dissolved. "I'm melting! I'm melting!"

We burned one. They burn longer than wood. We should give them to homeless people to build fires.

We brought out the electric sander,

clamped him down,

and went to town."

Happy Easter!


  1. hahahahahahaha. That is an old favorite! Nice. -JS

  2. Ok I use peeps for only 1 thing at Easter - the Easter coconut cake has to have some coconut dyed green in the corner of the cake, along with some jelly beans and peeps setting on top. I put them in one corner of the cake so I DON'T have to eat that part!
    What I don't understand is most people I know don't like peeps. So why do the peep people keep making them? And not just in yellow or white - but green, purple, pink, TEAL GREEN!!! And am I crazy?? Why do I go after Easter when I can buy thousands of packages of peeps for 10 cents a package, and store them until next year! Am I possessed with peep spirits!! Do they take over our minds once we've eaten one?
    Oh the wonder of it all!!!
    There's a new slogan for this next election year: "PEEP POWER to the PEOPLE"!!!
