Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Peter the Great

This is Tasty Pete.

"Tasty Pete?" you say. "Yes - he constantly has paper, pecans, grass, leaves, t.p., sticks, and dirt hanging from his mouth. He tastes and spits them out and it all winds up on his side-beard," I say.

As you can see, Pete is pretttty cute. But don't be fooled by his soft, angelic curls. He's an outdoorsy man's dog, through and through.

He used to be a rolly, puffy ball tottering through the house like this:

Now, he is like this:

As you can see, Pete eats my mother's books and makes messes. He is racked by periodic spurts of uncontrollable energy that cause him to tear through the house and frequently involve rebounding off the back of the couch. It is incredible. And hilarious.

He's a pretty great dog. And there are more pictures than you can shake a stick at on my Flickr.


  1. Pete appears to be an unruly pup. Awfully cute though!

  2. HAHAHAHA!!!! I'm laughing out loud, really hard!!! In the first video, is Pete drunk? That's probably why I just HAD to go right then and there, too much alcohol. In the second video, he looks like a maniac. Man, he looks like a cool dog.

  3. I'm so glad my pups are all grown up. He will be a good dog soon enough.

  4. Rachel: this dog is a good dog. He reminds me of Sam running about like that, all rolly and wild. I want to touch his fur.

  5. It's like touching a baby angel's wings.

  6. "baby angel's wings"? Really?

    Where are you Rachel? I miss you...

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