Monday, May 05, 2008

The Horrible Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

It all happened on Friday, normally a joyous day. The weather was spectacular. I had just finished an all-around lousy day at work, but I was done for the weekend and Josey finished her last day of classes. We were headed out to buy a frisbee to teach the dog how to catch stuff in the air. It was going to be awesome. We loaded up the car with Pete and headed out...

Right into my parent's brand new-2009-been-in-the-driveway-2-days-insured-only-three-hours-earlier-has 53-miles-on-it car. I mean, it's still 2008, people. That car is from the future and I already banged it up.

I saw our car from the ancient past parked in the street, thought it was clear, and jimmied on out of there. Only to remember my parents bought a car just the day before. On top of all that, I had to wake dad up from a nap to tell him the bad news. Insult upon injury, my friends. The good news is, it's not dented - just scratched. Really badly.

We went on with our errands and took Pete up to ACU to play frisbee. We took our shoes off and ran on the soft grassy hill in front of the Bible Building. Just as we were starting to unwind and forget about the trouble we caused earlier, a car came rolling across the bottom of the hill. We assumed it was a dumb college kid too lazy to go around the big loop. We thought this right up until...

The car slammed into a tree. We kept waiting for someone to get out and rub their head in anguish over their stupid mistake. However, when there was no movement, I grabbed Josey's cell phone and ran down the hill. The horn was jammed and blaring, smoke had filled the car, and there was stuff leaking out. I called 911 while I tried to open the locked car door. As I was jerking on the door, the guy's head popped up like a jack-in-the-box, and we think he started having seizures. The fire dispatcher called and asked for directions as they drove past the entrance, not once, but twice. Meanwhile, the guy had stopped seizing and Josey got him to unlock the doors.

Josey said, "They're on their way." He said, "Who?" She said, "The ambulance." He said, "Huh." He had no idea what was going on. It was really spooky trying to talk to him. We sat with the guy until the fire department got there. They disabled the horn and talked to him for about 10 minutes before he started becoming aware of what was going on. In the end, he seemed okay, so hopefully they'll find whatever caused his seizures.

What a crummy day.


  1. hahhahahahaha, oh my goodness, i'm laughing so hard right now. i had a day recently like that myself, but definitely not as extreme. how do these things happen to you? i'm thinking of your strange admirerer in the korean theatre?

  2. That's wacky. I myself have been witness to four seizures since I've been in Philadelphia. It's weird, huh?

  3. Oh, my goodness, I have been catching up on your blog, and came across this tasty morsel...what a day! I can't believe all this stuff happened to you and Josey! Even though it was probably traumatic helping that guy, it was a good thing you guys were so close to call 911 like you did. WOW! Maybe you and Tasty Pete have a higher calling to rescue the weary around Abilene. You could even tie a barrel of Gatorade around Pete's neck to rescue those dying of thirst during the summer.
