I just got back from eating at Buffet City. Buffet City is everything its name implies - and more. It is the embodiment of American excess. The clever Asians have figured out how greedy and excessive Americans love to be and they have capitalized on this greed with a lurid display of food.

*Multiply this by 8-10 and you will have a rough idea of their spread
Buffet City has the typical buffet-style requisites such as pudding and green jello cubes. They also have delicacies, as it were, that should never be included on a buffet. Items such as cheese mussels, sushi, and crab meat with cheese. My sister once watched a little girl wretch all over the floor of this fine dining establishment. I think I understand what that girl felt.
The restaurant itself is magnificent. It occupies part of an old Wal-Mart building and the eerie purple glow from it's neon sign can be seen from the nearby highway. It can comfortably seat 300 people. My favorite part was the huge, fancy, sparkly chandeliers. One of them looked like a pirate ship. Awesome. It was then that I knew that this was one classy place.
Anyway. We had a gift certificate. I would probably never use my own money to eat there. But the boat chandelier. I loved it.
GREAT GREAT BLOGGING!!! Nothing better than a food post, that EVERYONE can relate to! I want a fancy chandelier.