Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Free Hugs

Most weekends, there are people downtown holding signs that say "Free Hugs." I always say to myself, "I would like a hug. That sounds nice," but I never do it.

Then, one day, we had to wait for a long time, we saw these girls wearing costumes, and I said, "Yes. I will do it. I will get a free hug."

So I did, and it was everything I hoped it would be.

It was so nice that I stood with them and tried to convince more people to get hugs. I was probably more scary than convincing.


  1. I've seen some commercial advertising the Free Hugs thing. I thought it was posed. Hmm...who knew that was real, well at least in korea.

  2. i will give you a free hug! everyone at home misses you.
