Aunt Susan and Aunt Sarah could probably combine to be my second mother. I love to be around them. They are comforting and familiar. Aunt Susan is wise, logical, practical, and orderly, like my mother. Aunt Sarah is practical, fascinating, very funny, and relaxed. They are good suggesters and think-tanks of practicality.
I think they should start some kind of a business or counselling program where they help people get real and get practical. They would sell nuggets of common sense and say saracastically, but in a heartfelt way, things like, "Sweetie, lemme tell you somethin'. The world just doesn't work that way. You're 34 years old. You're gonna have to have to get a job," and then they would simultaneously chuckle and scoff at the person's ridiculous naivete and self-centeredness.
I have never heard my mother laugh as much as she does as when she is with her sisters. Combined, they form this magical triumverate of mirth. They laugh until they're red in the face, spittle flecks gathering on corners of their mouths, whooping and hollering with tears streaming down their faces as they gasp to get out the rest of their gut-bustingly-funny sentence. Even if you don't know what they are talking about, you have to laugh because they are enjoying themselves and each other to such a degree that you might question their sanity.
Not really, but that might make them even cooler.
Oh, and I have their arms.
just seeing pictures of them laughing made me start laughing.
I saw my legs in the mirror the other day and thought they were one of the Starling sisters'. I mean I am even getting a few spider veins. It is awesome.